The WOW! Awards

Our charity is absolutely committed to providing the very highest standards of delivery and service in support of the work we do. We have a large and growing network of suppliers and partners that the charity works closely with in enabling us to deliver our unique Muscle Dreams and our Muscle Dream programmes.

The WOW! Awards is a unique and exciting award scheme that helps organizations to give even better customer service by ‘catching people doing things right’. By acknowledging the great things that people do, it helps to improve employee engagement and raise customer service standards.

When our charity wants to say “thank you” – the WOW! Awards provide an easy way for us to compliment brilliant service. So when suppliers and/or partners deliver outstanding service on behalf of our charity and ‘our’ expectations are blown away, we like to nominate an individual or sometimes a team of people for a WOW! Award.


We love to recognise those that go the extra mile in providing a fantastic service in support of our Muscle Dream activities.

The form below is secure to protect your personal details. Before you nominate there are just 4 criteria that must be met:

  1. The nomination has to be something that makes us go ‘WOW!’ due to an amazing first class customer service experience.
  1. The nomination needs to be about a recent experience as opposed to something that may have taken place a year ago.
  1. Nominations must be about a genuine experience, something that has happened to perhaps one of our Muscle Dream beneficiaries, one of our families or one of our volunteers who have maybe received a level of response to a request that exceeds expectations
  1. If you are a charity employee and/or volunteer, please use this form to acknowledge outstanding service given by organisations that are external to The Muscle Help Foundation



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